Femoral Head and Neck Excision

Your pet has had a Femoral Head and Neck excision performed. This is a salvage procedure for dislocated or dysplastic hips.

In order to ensure the success of this procedure please:

  • Confine your pet for a minimum period of 2 weeks in a small area where it is not able to jump or climb stairs. Slippery surfaces should also be avoided as should interaction and rough play with other dogs.
  • Dogs may be leash walked 3-4 times a day for a period of 5-10 minutes per session.
  • Do not wash your pet or allow it to swim until the stitches have been removed.
  • Removal of stitches is required 10-14 days after the procedure
  • Please inform us immediately if your pet becomes depressed, stops eating or if you notice any abnormal swelling or discharge from the wound. Sudden deterioration in usage of the operated limb should also be a cause for concern
  • Expect toe touching of the operated limb at 10 days, 60% weight bearing at 6 weeks and the full benefits of surgery only after 4 months
  • After the sutures are removed, an increase in exercise and physiotherapy will benefit return to normal function. Please discuss physiotherapy with the attending vet when the sutures are removed.