General Post Operative Care Sheet

Your pet has today undergone an anaesthetic and a surgical procedure. The following information will assist you in caring for your dog or cat in the days to come:

He/she will be quiet and possibly sleepy tonight. It is important to keep your pet quiet during this time and to prevent any interference by other pets or children.

Exercise should be restricted until any sutures are removed and he/she must only be exercised on a lead.

For dogs and cats that have had abdominal surgery (cat/bitch spay) it is also important that they do not climb stairs or jump onto beds or furniture.

Cat castrations have no sutures and do not need to return to the surgery.

Your pet will be sent home with a recovery diet, please offer a small amount later on tonight, this will help settle his/her stomach after the procedure. Don’t be concerned if he/she doesn’t want to eat as they sometimes feel a little sick after the anaesthetic

Water should be readily available at all times.

If  he/she has had to have stitches, check the wound daily. There is no need for you to bathe the wound, but it is very important that you prevent your pet from licking it. Licking of a surgical wound can cause inflammation and introduce infection which may necessitate further medication. He/she may try to remove sutures while licking, which could mean another general anaesthetic to replace them. If this happens please contact the surgery for an Elizabethan collar to prevent this.

Do not bath, dip or swim your pet until the sutures are removed.

Some pets tend to gain weight after having a spay or castration, please watch your pet in the months to come and get advice from the practice if you have any concerns.

If medication has been given please ensure medication is given at the stated dosage and that the course is completed. You should return your dog to the surgery in 10-14 days for stitch removal.